Soul Song Healing Vibrations

Our Services

Vibrational Sound Therapy Sessions

Learn about the sound healing sessions that we offer!

Consultation Call

Schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation call via Zoom. In this call, we'll cover things, such as:

Private Sound Bath (1-2 People)

Private sound bath for just yourself and another person. Perfect idea for Date Nights!


Private Sound Bath (3-10 People)

Group sound baths for small parties. Excellent bonding and healing experience with family, friends, and colleagues!

Private Sound Bath (11-20 People)

Group sound baths for small parties. Excellent bonding and healing experience with family, friends, and colleagues!


DISCLAIMER: Please note that my services are not intended as a complete treatment for any disease or medical condition. The intent of any reccomendation is to support the physiological and biochemical processes of the human body and not to diagnose, treat, cure, or fully prevent any disease or condition. You should always consult with a qualified medical professional if you have questions regarding a medical condition or any other matter related to your health and well being.*


Knowing that everything in the Universe holds a particular frequency including ourselves, certain healing frequencies can be utilized to bring us back to our original divine blueprint or “soul song”. Sound frequencies have the ability to break apart stagnant energy and initiate releases which in the long run help us to feel lighter and opens space to hold more light.

Yes, I hold 2 different Sound Healing certifications that I obtained in 2019 and I recently added a 3rd certification in Tuning Fork Therapy.

We are living in a time where it’s imperative to face our “shadow side” head on and heal any deep seated traumas that are holding us back from reaching our highest potential. Sound frequencies are extremely powerful in that they have the ability to reach “nooks and crannies” we are not even aware of that hold various traumas and other dense energy. Releasing this density paves the way to “level up” and hold a higher vibration & frequency.

Over the course of 2 hours there will be brief discussion beforehand from myself about Sound Healing, a guided breathing exercise, a full Sound Bath ranging from 45-55 minutes and additional sharing from the group at the end.

Click on the “Services” tab at the top of this website. From there, select the appropriate Sound Bath based on the number of attendees.

They are held at the place you feel most comfortable… your own home! I host public Sound Baths as well if that’s something you’re interested in.

Contact Me